Since there were many people asking me for the written pattern, I translated the pattern to a pdf (consisting diagrams, written pattern and step-by-step tutorial).
Here are the pattern:
Crochet Toddler Dress Pattern
Translated by Novelia Ummu Nayfah (La Léh Crochet)
- Bali cotton yarn in green (2 cakes of @100 grams), white (2 cakes of @100 grams), and small amount of yellow. FYI, the texture of bali cotton yarn looks like bamboo yarn. You may use other sport-weight yarns.
- Hook: 4/0 Tulip Etimo Rose hook (2.50 mm)
- Thread and sewing needle (you may use hot-melted glue)
- Synthetic flowers (you may use this flower as accessory)
- Slip stitch (sl st)
- Chain (ch)
- Single Crochet (sc)
- Double crochet (dc)
- 2dc, ch 2, 2dc shell
- 5dc solid shell
- Rep: repeat
- Beg: beginning
- dc2tog
- dc3tog
Finished size:
Waist (circle) : 21.5"
Length : 22"
*This is approximate size, depending on your tensionLength : 22"
Motif #1 (green)
- · Basic chains: 160, sl slt to the first ch.
- · Row 1: ch 1, sc all around (160 sts), sl st.
- · Row 2: ch 3, turn, dc at the same st, *ch 2, skip 2 sts, dc on the next 3 sts* (rep. 30 times), ch 2, skip 2 sts, dc 2.
- · Row 3: ch 1, turn, sc at the same st, *5dc shell on chain loop, skip one dc, sc at the next dc* (rep. 30 times), 5dc shell on chain loop, sc at the next st.
- · Row 4: ch 5, turn, dc at the 2nd st on shell, dc 2, ch 2, *skip 3 sts, dc 3 on shell* (rep. 30 times), ch 1, tr on the last st.
- · Row 5: ch 3, turn, 3dc on chain loop, skip 1 st, sc at the next st, *5dc shell on chains, skip 1 st, sc at the next st* (rep. 30 times), 3dc on the last chain loop.
- · Row 6: ch 2, turn, dc at the same st, dc, *ch 3, skip 3 sts, dc on the next 3 sts* (rep. 31 times), ch 3, skip 3 sts, dc 2.
- · Row 7: Rep. row 3
- · Row 8: Rep. row 4
- · Row 9: ch 1, turn, sc all around (160 sts)
· Row 10: WHITE— ch 1, all around (160 sts).
· Row 11-15: ch 2, turn, dc 2, ch, *dc 5, ch* (rep. 26 times), dc 2.
· Row 16-17: GREEN—rep. Row 11
Shoulder: BACK (make 2) --I recommend you to see the step-by-step tutorial --
· Row 18: (Back) ch 2, turn, dc 2, ch, *dc 5, ch* (rep. 4 times), dc 3, dc3tog.
· Row 19: ch 2, turn, dc2tog, dc, *ch, dc 5* (rep. 4 times), ch, dc 2.
· Row 20: ch 2, turn, dc at the next st, ch, *dc 5, ch * (rep. 8 times), dc2tog.
· Row 21: ch 2, *dc 5, ch* (rep. 4 times), dc 2.
· Row 18 : ch 2 on chains, dc2tog, dc 3, ch, *dc 5, ch* (rep. 8 times), dc 3, dc3tog.
· Row 19 : ch 2, turn, dc2tog, dc, ch, *dc5, ch* (rep. 8 times), dc, dc3tog.
· Row 20 : ch 2, turn, dc, ch, *dc 5, ch* (rep. 8 times), dc2tog.
· Row 21 : ch 2, turn, dc 5, ch, dc 4, dc2tog to the next dc.
· Row 22 : ch 2, turn, dc at the same st, dc 8 (9 dc all)
· Row 23-45: rep. Row 22
· Row 46: ch 2, turn, 2dc at the same st, dc 3, ch, dc 4, 2dc. Leave long tail to sew to the back (see pictures below).
Shoulder edging:
*sc 1, ch 4, skip 2 sts*
SKIRT (Working around, DO NOT TURN)
a. [dc 2, ch 2, dc 2 shell] will later be called as ‘shell’
b. [dc 2, ch 2, dc 2, ch 2, dc 2 shell] will be called as ‘split shell’
- Round 1 : sc all.
- Round 2: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, skip 3 sts, *shell, skip 3 sts* (repeat 39 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 3: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, *shell, skip 3 sts* (repeat 39 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 4: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, shell, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, shell, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 5: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 3, shell, ch 3, shell, *shell 2, ch 3, shell, ch 3, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 6: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 3, sc on chains, ch 3, shell, ch 3, sc on chains, ch 3, shell, *shell 2, ch 3, sc on chains, ch 3, shell, ch 3, sc on chains, ch 3, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 7: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, split shell (see picture below), ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, [shell, ch 2, 2dc at the same st], ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 8 --I recommend you to see the step by step tutorial--: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell 2 on the split shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell 2 on the split shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 9: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell, dc between shells, shell, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell, dc between shells, shell, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 10: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 1, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 1, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 11: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, shell, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, shell, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 12: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 13: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, shell, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, shell, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 14: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 15: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell, ch 4, dc on dc, ch 4, shell, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell, ch 4, dc on dc, ch 4, shell, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 16: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, dc on chains, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, dc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, dc on chains, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, dc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 17: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, shell, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, shell, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 18: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 1, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 1, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 19: (with green yarn) ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell, ch 3, dc on dc, ch 5, dc on dc, ch 5, dc on dc, ch 3, shell, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell, ch 3, dc on dc, ch 5, dc on dc, ch 5, dc on dc, ch 3, shell, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell. –do not cut the yarn—
- Round 20: (with yellow yarn) ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, shell on dc, skip the chains, shell on dc, skip the chains, shell on dc, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, shell on dc, skip the chains, shell on dc, skip the chains, shell on dc, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 21: (still with yellow yarn) ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell 5, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell 5, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell. Cut the yarn.
- Round 22: (with green yarn) ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell 5, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell 5, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 23: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell 5, ch 4, shell, * shell 2, ch 4, shell 5, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
- Round 24, 26, 28, 30, 32,34 : repeat Round 22
- Round 25, 27, 29, 31,33, 35 : repeat Round 23
- Round 36: sc all around (560 sts)
- Round 37: ch 3, dc at the same st, dc , ch 2, skip 2 sts, *dc 3, ch 2, skip 2 sts* (repeat 111 times), dc, sl st at the beginning.
- Round 38: ch 1, sc at the same st, dc 5 on chains, *sc, dc 5 on chains* (repeat 111 times), sl st at the beginning.
Happy hooking!
Thank you so much.
Thank You,
Thank you. My mother-in-law crocheted a lovely set similar to this for my daughter when she was a little girl. I would love to have one made for my grandaughters now.
Thank you.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks again
I've been drooling over this pattern for months now! LOL
I would love a copy of this pattern if and when you get it translated! I would be willing to pay for it.
Thanks again! Lovely work!
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing!
many thanks
Many thanks
please send when written out in english I would love to make for my grand daughter
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you ma'am
Crochet collar