Aloha! Seems that it's time to cook #sigh. To be honest, I'm a very, very bad cook. I can't cook any so-delicious foods like any women out there can make (easily!) But, I do have a passion for the kitchen. Right! Decorating it! Days ago, I went to kitchen and was going to cook. Wait , I said, I have only two hot pads. I need MORE to serve dinner! *Thanks God I have a good reason to leave kitchen and go to my crafting room, haha!* They are easy to make, even for beginners. I've made 5 (oh five!) pads at a time. Now get ready with the "ingeredients" (as I was about cooking, right?): 1 big cake of t-shirt yarn (remember, the cake cannot be eaten. Believe me!) 8.00 mm hook Passion! Pattern: Yellow-orange Begin with an adjustable ring, sc 6. inc. (rep. 6 times, 12 sts) sc, inc. (rep. 6 times, 18 sts) sc 2, inc. (rep. 6 times, 24 sts) sc 3, inc (rep. 6 times, 30 sts) sc 4, inc (rep. 6 times, 36 sts), cut the yarn. White *ch 2, dc