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Showing posts from January, 2021

Crochet Hanging Planter Tutorial

 Hello Crochet People! I just remembered to post this pattern on my shop. Actually it's been on Etsy since 2020, but I --again-- forgot to publish it on this blog (phew!) This basket is inspired by an old macrame hanging planter. I loved that hanging planter but I did not really understand how to make it. So, I made it in my own style: c.r.o.c.h.e.t.e.d.  I tried times and times again to get the perfect shape of the basket. The final result is cute, isn't it? I wrote the pattern and published it on my Etsy Shop . It was firstly sold 9 hours after publishing the listing and I got a 5-star review! Alhamdulillah! If you want to try the pattern, you can drop by to my shop ;) You can also buy my patterns in Ravelry (it's cheaper than Etsy). Click on this link to buy!   Untuk yang berdomisili di Indonesia bagaimana? Hehe... tenang, Teman-teman bisa mengikuti workshop online-nya. Selain mendapat materi berupa PDF dan video pembuatan, Teman-teman juga bisa berdiskusi langsung...