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Crochet Toddler Dress Pattern

Hello, there! 

Since there were many people asking me for the written pattern, I translated the pattern to a pdf (consisting diagrams, written pattern and step-by-step tutorial).

Here are the pattern:

Crochet Toddler Dress Pattern
Translated by Novelia Ummu Nayfah (La Léh Crochet) 

  • Bali cotton yarn in green (2 cakes of @100 grams), white (2 cakes  of @100 grams), and small amount of yellow. FYI, the texture of bali cotton yarn looks like bamboo yarn. You may use other sport-weight yarns.
  • Hook: 4/0 Tulip Etimo Rose hook (2.50 mm)
  • Thread and sewing needle (you may use hot-melted glue)
  • Synthetic flowers (you may use this flower as accessory)
  • Slip stitch (sl st)
  • Chain (ch)
  • Single Crochet (sc)
  • Double crochet (dc)
  • 2dc, ch 2, 2dc shell
  • 5dc solid shell
  • Rep: repeat
  • Beg: beginning
  • dc2tog
  • dc3tog
Finished size:
Waist (circle)  :           21.5"
Length             :           22"
*This is approximate size, depending on your tension

Motif #1 (green)
  • ·         Basic chains: 160, sl slt to the first ch.
  • ·      Row 1: ch 1, sc all around (160 sts), sl st.
  • ·     Row 2: ch 3, turn, dc at the same st, *ch 2, skip 2 sts, dc on the next 3 sts* (rep. 30 times), ch 2, skip 2 sts, dc 2.
  • ·     Row 3: ch 1, turn, sc at the same st, *5dc shell on chain loop, skip one dc, sc at the next dc* (rep. 30 times), 5dc shell on chain loop, sc at the next st.
  • ·     Row 4: ch 5, turn, dc at the 2nd st on shell, dc 2, ch 2, *skip 3 sts, dc 3 on shell* (rep. 30 times), ch 1, tr on the last st.
  • ·     Row 5: ch 3, turn, 3dc on chain loop, skip 1 st, sc at the next st, *5dc shell on chains, skip 1 st, sc at the next st* (rep. 30 times), 3dc on the last chain loop.
  • ·    Row 6: ch 2, turn, dc at the same st, dc, *ch 3, skip 3 sts, dc on the next 3 sts* (rep. 31 times), ch 3, skip 3 sts, dc 2.
  • ·     Row 7: Rep. row 3
  • ·     Row 8: Rep. row 4
  • ·     Row 9: ch 1, turn, sc all around (160 sts)


·         Row 10WHITE— ch 1, all around (160 sts).
·         Row 11-15: ch 2, turn, dc 2, ch, *dc 5, ch* (rep. 26 times), dc 2.
·         Row 16-17GREEN—rep. Row 11

Shoulder: BACK (make 2) --I recommend you to see the step-by-step tutorial --
·         Row 18: (Back) ch 2, turn, dc 2, ch, *dc 5, ch* (rep. 4 times), dc 3, dc3tog.
·         Row 19: ch 2, turn, dc2tog, dc, *ch, dc 5* (rep. 4 times), ch, dc 2.
·         Row 20: ch 2, turn, dc at the next st, ch, *dc 5, ch * (rep. 8 times), dc2tog.
·         Row 21: ch 2, *dc 5, ch* (rep. 4 times), dc 2.

·         Row 18 : ch 2 on chains, dc2tog, dc 3, ch, *dc 5, ch* (rep. 8 times), dc 3, dc3tog.
·         Row 19 : ch 2, turn, dc2tog, dc, ch, *dc5, ch* (rep. 8 times), dc, dc3tog.
·         Row 20 : ch 2, turn, dc, ch, *dc 5, ch* (rep. 8 times), dc2tog.
·         Row 21 : ch 2, turn, dc 5, ch, dc 4, dc2tog to the next dc.
·         Row 22 : ch 2, turn, dc at the same st, dc 8 (9 dc all)
·         Row 23-45: rep. Row 22
·         Row 46: ch 2, turn, 2dc at the same st, dc 3, ch, dc 4, 2dc. Leave long tail to sew to the back (see pictures below).

Shoulder edging:
*sc 1, ch 4, skip 2 sts*  

SKIRT (Working around, DO NOT TURN)

a.       [dc 2, ch 2, dc 2 shell] will later be called as ‘shell’

b.      [dc 2, ch 2, dc 2, ch 2, dc 2 shell] will be called as ‘split shell’

  • Round 1 : sc all.
  • Round 2: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, skip 3 sts, *shell, skip 3 sts* (repeat 39 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 3: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, *shell, skip 3 sts* (repeat 39 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 4: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, shell, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, shell, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 5: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 3, shell, ch 3, shell, *shell 2, ch 3, shell, ch 3, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 6: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 3, sc on chains, ch 3, shell, ch 3, sc on chains, ch 3, shell, *shell 2, ch 3, sc on chains, ch 3, shell, ch 3, sc on chains, ch 3, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 7: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, split shell (see picture below), ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, [shell, ch 2, 2dc at the same st], ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 8 --I recommend you to see the step by step tutorial--: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell 2 on the split shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell 2 on the split shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell. 
  • Round 9: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell, dc between shells, shell, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell, dc between shells, shell, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 10: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 1, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 1, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 11: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, shell, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, shell, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 12: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 13: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, shell, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, shell, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 14: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 15: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell, ch 4, dc on dc, ch 4, shell, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell, ch 4, dc on dc, ch 4, shell, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 16: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, dc on chains, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, dc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, dc on chains, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, dc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 17: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, shell, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, dc on chains, ch 1, shell, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 18: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 1, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, ch 1, dc on dc, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 2, sc on dc, ch 2, dc on dc, ch 1, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 19: (with green yarn) ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell, ch 3, dc on dc, ch 5, dc on dc, ch 5, dc on dc, ch 3, shell, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell, ch 3, dc on dc, ch 5, dc on dc, ch 5, dc on dc, ch 3, shell, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell. –do not cut the yarn—
  • Round 20: (with yellow yarn) ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, shell on dc, skip the chains, shell on dc, skip the chains, shell on dc, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, shell on dc, skip the chains, shell on dc, skip the chains, shell on dc, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 21: (still with yellow yarn) ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell 5, ch 4, shell, *shell 2, ch 4, shell 5, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell. Cut the yarn.
  • Round 22: (with green yarn) ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell 5, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell, *shell 2, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell 5, ch 2, sc on chains, ch 2, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 23: ch 5, 2dc at the same st, shell, ch 4, shell 5, ch 4, shell, * shell 2, ch 4, shell 5, ch 4, shell* (repeat 9 times), dc at the beginning, sl st 2 to the center of shell.
  • Round 24, 26, 28, 30, 32,34   :   repeat Round 22
  • Round 25, 27, 29, 31,33, 35   :   repeat Round 23
  • Round 36: sc all around (560 sts)
  • Round 37: ch 3, dc at the same st, dc , ch 2, skip 2 sts, *dc 3, ch 2, skip 2 sts* (repeat 111 times), dc, sl st at the beginning.
  • Round 38: ch 1, sc at the same st, dc 5 on chains, *sc, dc 5 on chains* (repeat 111 times), sl st at the beginning.

If you want to buy the detailed instructions and tutorials, you can buy the PDF here.

Pictures below showing you some parts of the pdf:

Happy hooking!



Unknown said…
If you write this out I would love to pay you for it. Let me know at
Tess said…
I am working on getting this pattern translated and will let you all know when I do. It will be translated to a written pattern in English. Keep your fingers crossed!
COOKIE said…
I to would love a written pattern in english.Thank you
Donna Grace said…
Thanks for such a beautiful pattern!
Teryl DeVoursney said…
This is a beautiful and sweet dress and hat! I too, would love to see this pattern in English. Also, would like to know what other patterns are available by this creator.
Anonymous said…
Would love this when younhave it translated at please
Jomamas Home said…
PLEASE WRITE IT OUT LIKE WE ARE USED TO! This outfit is so beautiful. I want to make it!
Carol said…
I too would like to buy the patern
Anonymous said…
I would love a pattern in English too please:
Thank you so much.
Anonymous said…
Would be more than happy to pay for the pattern thanks: :0)
mary and fiona said…
this is gorgeous - would love a written pattern as I find it difficult to follow graphs. I would willingly pay for it.
Anonymous said…
I would love a written pattern too if possible. If you do you can email me and let me know at:

Thank You,

Anonymous said…
I would love the pattern in English as well once you get it thank you!!
Anonymous said…
I would love to make this for my grand daughters as a heirloom piece. My grandmother made a dress similar to this for my daughter when she was a little girl. What a great traditional piece. But as the others state I need an English version please. Im so excited to make this! Thank you,
Anonymous said…
Also need English written pattern.
Unknown said…
I would like a written pattern as well.
Thank you. My mother-in-law crocheted a lovely set similar to this for my daughter when she was a little girl. I would love to have one made for my grandaughters now.
Anonymous said…
I would love a written pattern in English please. My email address is
Thank you.
Anonymous said…
I would love this pattern in English please and I would pay for it . Just beautiful
Ann said…
Hi, Please could I have an English version of this beautiful dress and hat. I'd love to crochet it
Ann said…
Hi Sorry forgot my email address

Sandy said…
Would love the written pattern in english please. Just absolutely beautiful. Thanks
ann brown said…
I too would like this pattern in English, thanks.
sheryl said…
if you could please send me a copy of the pattern I would love to make it for my granddaughter my email is and again I want to thank you for figuring out the pattern thanks
sweetinge said…
Oh please, it's so beautiful, let us know when is translated.
Anonymous said…
I would love to have the pattern in English, please. My email is Thank you.
Anonymous said…
I too would love this pattern in English when translated.
Badgirl59 said…
I would love this pattern in English too please an I please have this in English too ...thank you
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I would love to have this pattern in English and written out thank you, my email address is Thank you.
Anonymous said…
I would love to have this pattern in English also.
Thanks in advance.
Anonymous said…
I see by the comments you are working on an English translation. Would appreciate an English copy when available. Beautiful pattern.
Anonymous said…
I don't know how to crochet but this litle dress has inspired me to learn. Please also send me the written English version. Thank you!!
Anonymous said…
I too would love this pattern written out...I wish I could learn the charted way but haven't mastered it. Thanks in advance...My email is

Thanks again
Anonymous said…
I'd love this pattern written out in english as well! My email is thanks in advance!
Unknown said…
I would love this in English Thank you, Pam
ChantalCL70 said…

I've been drooling over this pattern for months now! LOL

I would love a copy of this pattern if and when you get it translated! I would be willing to pay for it.

The Treadwells said…
I would love the English pattern too.
Unknown said…
Hello, may I please have a copy of an English pattern too? (It's a beautiful dress & hat set!) THANK YOU for sharing.
Anonymous said…
I would like this pattern in English please absolutely beautiful thank you!!
Anonymous said…
Hello, may I please have a copy of an English pattern too?'s a beautiful dress & hat set!) THANK YOU for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Can I please receive this pattern in english. Thanks a lot
Anonymous said…
This is so beautiful! Thanks Tess for working on the translation in English. I would love a copy. My email is:

Thanks again! Lovely work!
Anonymous said…
This is a beautiful dress, and I would love to make it. However I cannot read a crochet graph :( If this were written out in English, I would love it!
Anonymous said…
I am 66 years old and love this pattern but I just can't crochet using graphs. When there is a written pattern in English I would love to have this pattern to make for my great granddaughters. Thank you
Anonymous said…
I would love this pattern in English this is so cute I want to make for my friends daughters please send to
Unknown said…
I would also love this pattern in English..
Anonymous said…
Please send me this pattern. So adorable!

Thank you!
Anonymous said…
I too, have not learned to read graphs. I keep pinning them hoping to be able to figure out. Please if you are able, send me written pattern in English also. Thank you. Absolutely beautiful dress and hat. is my e-mail.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful set!!! I too am interested in a written pattern in American Standard Terms. Thank you so much for sharing your talent in crochet.
Anonymous said…
I would also love to have the written pattern in English.
Cheri said…
I want this pattern, too! Please! Please! Please!
Hanlie said…
Hi! Can I have an English written pattern as well please. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Ditto-would love the pattern translated in english for both the dress and the hat. Willing to pay !
jane hall said…
Please let me know when you get it translated as well I would love to make this for my granddaughters Thank you .
Anonymous said…
Please email me and let me know what you charge for the English translation.
Anonymous said…
I would also love this pattern in English, please.
Anonymous said…
I would also love this pattern in English please and be willing to pay for it. Thank you so much.
Unknown said…
English Please....also send copy to Thank you!!!
Anonymous said…
English pattern please Thanks in advanced
Anonymous said…
Would love to have pattern in English. It is absolutely stunning!

Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said…
Can the pattern be translated into English please. Thank You!
Amanda said…
I'd love this pattern in English also.
debi said…
Would love an english version''''..Thank you!
Anonymous said…
i have tried to read the grafts and get no where would love to get the english version of this beautiful dress and hat.

many thanks
Anonymous said…
Would love an english version also
Anonymous said…
Hi Please could i have an english version of this dress & hat its absolutely gorgeous.
Many thanks
Phillis H said…
Will your English version be posted here? I'm bookmarking this page! Love this outfit!
Anonymous said…
Ditto to all of the above!

Anonymous said…
would love this pattern for my granddaughter, if you could please send it in
Anonymous said…
No pattern yet???? Would like one please in english written form please n thank you
Anonymous said…
This is so beautiful!! When the pattern is available in English, I would love to have it, and make this dress for all my little granddaughters. Please let me know when it is available at Thank you!
Anonymous said…
please send when written out in english I would love to make for my grand daughter
jessie19864 said…
I love this and the orange dress as well. Id also love a copy :-) thank you!!
Anonymous said…
Could I also get this in English if I have to pay for it I will but cant read as is. Please respond to my email address and put in the subject line "Cute Dress for Little Nay" so I don't accidently erase it

Thank you
Anonymous said…
I'm getting a new great granddaughter and would love to have this pattern in English to make her one for Easter. Thank you in advance
Unknown said…
I would love to have the pattern in English also. Please email @ thank you
Unknown said…
one for me to. its beautiful
Unknown said…
Would love this pattern in English would be will to pay
Thank you
Dolores said…
I would love this pattern when you get it thank you
Karen L said…
I would love the pattern too please and thanks
Unknown said…
I would also like to get your English pattern..thank you !
Unknown said…
I would also like to get your English pattern..thank you !
Sounds great said…
I would like to make for my daughter ( 3 moths old). Please share your pattern to my Email id: . Thanks a lot for your lovely creation :)
Unknown said…
I would like your written pattern in English please. My email I would like it in 6-9 months and up. Thank you so much
Anonymous said…
My I have your written patterns in English please so I can make this for my granddaughters in size 6-9 months and 5T. My email is

Thank you ma'am
Unknown said…
Hi, you can now see the written pattern on the following link:
Unknown said…
Ok so I'm wanting to make this dress but I'm having a hard time finding a yarn that would match what you have and I'm getting confused. Our local yarn store doesn't have or even heard of the Bali brand. And everything they have that would be light enough for this summery dress is too thick. Could I make it with embroidery yarn instead? Or another light cotton material that could substitute? Even the sport weight they had seemed heavy to me. is there a link to the specific yarn you used in the PDF? I'm waiting for payday to buy everything to make it You can email me. Jlynnpaulus@gmail
Anonymous said…
Love the pattern but turned out way to big for my 3 yr old granddaughter! What size does this pattern make?
Unknown said…
I just finished it too. My 5 yr old is tall and skinny so I figure it would fit her. Turned out it was still to big for her. I would say a more average built 5yr old would fit fine in it but it would be too short for my taste so you'd have to make it longer first Maybe repeat round 2 or 3 of thr skirt several times before beginning the increaseing rows. I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than pull out the yarn to remake the skirt, lol but if it works? said…
I read your blog now share great information here.
Crochet collar

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